Are you a father under Texas law?
Fatherhood, with its many rights and responsibilities, can be a contentious issue in the life of a man.

My name is Sandra Fuentez. I am the lead attorney at Fuentez Law, and a seasoned paternity lawyer based in Spring, Texas. My job is to show you how to achieve your paternity goals, while making the establishment or denial of paternity easier, quicker and less frustrating.
I have served many satisfied clients with paternity concerns who live in Harris or Montgomery County in southeast Texas. How can I serve you?
Read on to learn about my legal paternity services for men and fathers, mothers, and their (alleged) children, too.
On This Page:
Paternity services
Why partner with Sandra Fuentez?
Who are my clients?
A word from paternity pro Sandra Fuentez
My Paternity Services
From a legal standpoint, the question of parentage, and paternity in particular, is not as simple as you might expect. While maternity may be self-evident because the woman physically gave birth to the child, paternity – a child’s father – is not always so obvious. There are numerous Texas paternity laws which collectively serve to determine who is a child’s legal father and under what circumstances.
- The responsibility to financially support the child
- The right to spend time with and parent the child
- The ability to make decisions on behalf of the child
However, there are other ways to become the legal father of a child – some of them counter-intuitive. If you are married to a woman when she has a child, the state assumes you are the father. You have to prove otherwise if that’s not the case. On the other hand, if you are not married to the mother when she bears your child, the state does not assume you are the father until you acknowledge it or file a paternity suit to establish it.
In general, biological fathers are encouraged to establish their paternity, especially if there is no other father figure in the picture.
- The responsibility to financially support the child
- The right to spend time with and parent the child
- The ability to make decisions on behalf of the child
A paternity suit is necessary when there is disagreement as to a child’s biological or legal father. If there is another contender for the position, for example, or if it is unclear who is the true father, a paternity suit and/or genetic testing can be used to resolve the matter. Genetic testing will definitively indicate the true biological father, and the court will allot parental rights and responsibilities accordingly.
If a man wants to secure the rights and responsibilities of a father, and there is disagreement as to his status, he can file a suit to settle the question of his paternity in court. If a man wants to demonstrate that he is not the real father, he, too, can file a paternity suit. The paternity suit is used to deny his fatherhood and prove the denial via genetic testing. Denial of paternity is much easier than it used to be.
A mother or child can also file a paternity suit to identify the true biological father of one or more children. Sometimes, you just want to know. Other times, it is a question of being able to obtain child support.
Fuentez Law: Who are my clients?
As a family lawyer, I deal with a wide variety of paternity cases. I often serve as a legal advocate and trusted adviser to:
- Men and fathers who (a) want to establish their rights as a legal father or (b) deny paternity and/or terminate their parental rights.
- Mothers who want to establish the paternity of their child’s biological father, especially for the purposes of obtaining child support, medical support, or reimbursement for pre- and post-natal expenses.
- Children who want to learn the true identity of their biological father.
The labyrinth of Texas paternity law can be intimidating. There are many situations that can give rise to the need to formally establish or deny paternity in Texas. Take a peek at the Texas Family Code and you will begin to realize how complicated paternity matters in the Lone Star State can become.
If you have paternity questions or concerns – and you live in Harris or Montgomery County – schedule a low-cost, no-obligation consultation with attorney Sandra Fuentez. My family law office is located in the city of Spring near Houston, Texas.
In our initial consultation, we can discuss the merits of your case, potential outcomes, and whether or not your issues and my services would make a good match. If you decide to retain Fuentez Law, we can get started right away drafting a strong legal strategy that puts you in the best possible position to achieve your paternity goals.
Why Partner with Sandra Fuentez?
Fuentez Law is my homegrown solo practice dedicated to Houston-area Texans dealing with family law matters, including divorce, child custody, and paternity. As my client, you will be treated with the utmost respect and customer service. You can further expect to benefit from:
- Intelligent strategies that serve your paternity goals
- In-depth experience with Texas paternity issues
- Fast case resolution
- Reasonable attorney fees
- Personalized professional attention
- Compelling advocacy in courtroom disputes
A word from paternity pro Sandra Fuentez
Under Texas law, there are many kinds of dads… Alleged fathers, Presumed fathers, Acknowledged fathers, Adjudicated fathers – which one you are (or aren’t), and which you want to be (or don’t) can be a dicey question.
It’s especially frustrating when you want the rights of a father but don’t have them, or when you’re saddled with fatherhood against your will. If you have a paternity matter to resolve, I can show you how to leverage the legal process to fight for your desired outcome, whether or not you want to take on the rights and responsibilities of a father.
Come speak with me and we will discuss your options, determine the strength of your case, and pinpoint likely outcomes. If you need to go to court, I will go with you and defend your interests. With Sandra Fuentez, you will have a persuasive, dependable advocate by your side to help you make your case and maximize your chances of success.
I serve residents of Harris and Montgomery County near Houston, Texas. If you’re interested in high-quality paternity troubleshooting at affordable rates, call (713) 397-2278.
You can make an appointment for a low-cost consultation at my office in Spring, Texas. I am available between 9 and 5 on weekdays, and I always enjoy speaking with prospective clients.
Thank you for your consideration,
Sandra Fuentez
Disclaimer | Please note that the information on this page is intended to provide a general introduction to the matters discussed. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. For legal advice tailored to your unique situation, contact an attorney. Fuentez Law can be reached at (713) 397-2278.